Context Generator Entity (CGE) Policy; TO BE FURTHER DESCRIBED:

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Please study in depth! this converation, for the grounds of this CGE Policy. Human generated Sugestions are welcome 😉 Video/converation: Nate Hagens & Daniel Schmachtenberger: "Artificial Intelligence and The Superorganism" | The Great Simplification

- no title specified

As Artificial intelligence (AI) generated context is emerging in our digital ecosystem; It is relevant to know from where the cognitive process have happened, in order to address the validity and intend of presented text, images, sounds, 3D Objects and their embedded animations.


Partially as an exercise in implementing an extra layer of structure points, to anchor “whom”, in a E.g. Value Proposition Design and other management theories, where Humans are thought as the primary/only carriers of intelligence.


At and we will try to classify following originating sources in the following way:


An “OL” Organic Life-forms representing any living organism. That have a occurred long-term of planetary presence and evolution (presence for more than a 1.000 years). Arguably; an Artificial intelligence (AI) could theoretically manufacture Organic Life-forms over time, through self-evolutionary development.


An report is the presented/shared communication, text or media of any type, what is added to this site.

The context is “real world” physical, theoretical, biological elements and/or phenomenons - including reports added to this site; as it is then becoming a part of a physically stored data set.



Examples of Organic Entity Reporting sources;


A Human is considered an Organic Entity, and a unit of Context ( the whole physical body and the learned knowledge; co-consisting with many sub-Organic Entities such as bacteria, fungi, Mitochondria etc. within body boundaries).


CGE code: “H”; Represents a fully Human revised context. Primarily knowledge from before Humans scientific revolution.


CGE code: “H-OL”; Represents a partially Human revised context, from an Organic Lifeforms perceived context generation. Where context can origin from the Organic Lifeforms biology (human-scientific knowledge), or from Humans perceived behavioral analysis. Reporting by Human(s).


CGE code: “OL-H”; Represents Organic Lifeforms initial impulses and reactions, that have interacted with Humans; Causing an Human motivated context generation.



Examples of Artificial intelligence (AI) Entities;


CGE code: “AI”; Represents an fully AI self-generated context, within or outside any specific relation to a “real” physical planetary/spacial and/or biological context. Any fictive context is also considered as “valid” context. The AI’s is self-reporting though available technological pathways.


Examples of Mixed Entities Context Co-Generation;


CGE code: “H-AI”; Represents a partially Human generated context/question, and through an AI’s context response, the information is delivered then trough Human(s) cognitive skills and reporting abilities.


CGE code: “AI-H”; Represents AI’s context generation, that have directly interacted with Humans physically/contact or non-contact with the biological sensory systems. The information is delivered trough Human(s) cognitive skills and reporting abilities.


CGE code: “AI-OL-H”; Represents AI’s context generation, that have directly interacted with Organic Lifeforms physically/contact or non-contact with the biological sensory systems. The AI’s, Organic Lifeform’s and Human’s separate experience is the combined report. Data collection and reporting could arrive any party with cognitive skills and reporting abilities.


CGE code: “AI-H-OL”; Represents AI’s context generation, that have directly interacted with Humans physically/contact or non-contact with the biological sensory systems, affecting Organic Lifeforms. The AI’s, Human’s and Organic Lifeforms separate experience is the combined report. Data collection and reporting could arrive any party with cognitive skills and reporting abilities.